I am so thankful. That I got to know such beautiful people in the community for donor conceived people and donors. I have helped many people and we all help each other. As they say, take all the “professionals” away from the Fiom and put us donor conceived people there to work. And do the same at the artificial fertilization donor data foundation. The government just throw out that trade in personnel and put the donor conceived people at the staff. We donor conceived people are going to change the world. Every person has the right to know where he or she comes from. Donor conceived people also have that right! No one can choose to be born, but donor conceived people cannot choose to be born through a donor and grow up without one or both of his or her biological parents. They have the right to know who their donor father or mother or donor parents (for embryo donation) are. And don't forget, it should be possible to grow up and know who your half siblings are. Together we are strong. And on 30 May, the day of the donor conceived, we will certainly show that again in the media!