Media appearances
As a donor conceived person I fight for the rights of donor conceived people. I have been in a number of newspapers and magazines and I have also sent articles to pages. I am also named in articles online. Below you can see an overview. Are you a journalist or do you work for a TV program and do you want to share my story or is there a school assignment for which you want to use my story, then leave a message at my contactform. I will contact you as soon as possibele.
25 september 2016: dagboek kid of E19 | Stichting Donorkind (Dutch)
25 july 2017: De man die niet gevonden kon worden - Donor Detectives (Dutch)
2 february 2018: Het verhaal van een donorkind, deel 7 | Stichting Donorkind (Dutch)
28 may 2018: Donorkinderen zoeken de media op voor hun zoektocht en gerechtigheid (Dutch)
30 may 2018: Ik ben een donorkind | Dag van het donorkind - Ik Vrouw van Jou (Dutch)
11 september 2018: Vaders vinden | Gen.magazine 2 van 2018 (Dutch)
6 november 2018: You are special, speciale vriendschappen | Fashionchick Girls (Dutch)
2 february 2019: Ineens had Joëlle 32 halfbroers en -zussen - Stadsgids - PAROOL (Dutch)
12 february 2019: AD interview videoreportage: Joëlle is op zoek naar halfbroers en - zussen
(Dutch with English subtitels) -
6 augustus 2019: Opeens had ik dertig halfbroers en -zussen | Vriendin 32 (Dutch)
6 december 2019: Ik lijk steeds meer op wie? | &C (Dutch)