I have a feeling this is my early Christmas present. As a small child I am so happy with something I could not have dreamed of. November 7th I received a letter that they had sent a letter to the donor. And 3 weeks later on November 30th I received the letter that was sent exactly 3 weeks later on November 28th. I was with my other mother where I had not received the letter. I was standing in the Bruna with my other mother and my sister when my mother suddenly received a call from my other mother. She handed the phone to me. At first I couldn't understand her but she said she had a letter for me. I said I'm in the store I can call you at home later. Oh ok where are you she said. I explain completely and then we agreed that I would call her back later. At home I called her and she read the letters. I couldn't believe my ears. The donor said yes to a meeting and I have a half a brother or sister who has indicated that they want contact by stichting donorgegevens kunstmatige bevruchting (artificial Insemination donor data Foundation). And probably there are still a lot of half brothers and sisters waiting for me. I was so happy and cried. This is the most beautiful gift anyone can give me.
Lots of love,