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  • Writer's pictureJoëlle de Boer

My first train, and the first meeting with Noah

I had my first meeting with my new half brother Noah on Friday 23 March 2018. After we had messed up every night since Thursday,15 March 2018, we decided to meet up in Amsterdam. My first train alone to Amsterdam. The city I have been to so many times but never traveled to alone. Fortunately it was an intercity otherwise I would have gotten lost anyway. I was happy that in my village, where I live, it looked so well-organized on the station because otherwise I would not have been able to find it and I would not even have made my train. Which I almost didn't make it because I wanted to run to the second class door and the doors almost closed. Fortunately I could still get in through the first class. And I just walked to the second class via there. I did not know that trains were leaving so quickly man, it was less than a minute and then the train was already leaving. Seated safely on the train, that half hour passed quite quickly. Then I arrived safely at the station. Luckily I had KPN wifi📶 because I couldn't find Noah. Apparently I was at the front of the track and he was at the back.

Then I walked to the other side of the track and then I saw through my eyes far away in a distance a male face with a beard that looked like me.

I thought that must be Noah. I walked over to see if it was correct and yes there was my grown up younger brother. I waved and he saw me. Then we went for a walk through Amsterdam from Amsterdam Central Station and we chatted a bit, but that started to become more when we eventually went into the BurgerKing to have something to eat together. We chatted a lot over dinner. I was amazed how much he knew about the concept of being donor conceived, which is not everyone is as interested as I am.

And his way of thinking is really just mine. And his way of speaking, my god. I never thought a brother could be more like me. I thought I was talking to my lost twin brother. Well actually my lost brother who I should have had much earlier in my life. But then also that stupid law. Ministry of health and sports do something about it. And respond to my proposal. Then at least everything is well organized for the future generation of donor children and then we are both happy.

After dinner we walked back to Amsterdam Central Station and took the train to our half brothers Bouke and Duuk. After getting lost for a while we arrived at our brothers, and we chatted for a few hours and we went gaming.

I asked my mother if they wanted to pick me up because yes, with my night blindness I might not recognize everything later. And otherwise had to switch again and I didn't want to go that far. It was enough of everything for 1 day. When my mother finally arrived, I invited Noah to ride with us so we could take him to the station. What a day it was again. And how nice that we all look alike and make plans for the summer and the future.

I didn't even have time to take pictures because it was so nice. As Astrid (Bouke and Duuk's mother) said, "It's just something very special. To have family there. You are the brother and sister of my sons and that makes you quarter of my children again. You are always welcome." And you certainly are all with me too. The best family I could wish for that just makes me very happy. We may be with a few now, but there will be more. But know I don't want to lose you all.

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